EMF Planner 7.1
Tool for EMF exposure modelling and analysis
EMF Planner is a simulation software designed for modeling, analyzing, and visualizing electromagnetic field exposure from any radio transmitter - including base stations of any standard, TV and radio broadcasting stations, satellite earth stations, PtP, PtMP, etc.
EMF Planner is an internationally adapted version of our SanZone software, which we have been developing for over 20 years.
EMF Planner was developed in collaboration with the engineering bureau PuglieseProgettazioni (https://www.puglieseprogettazioni.it) located in Nova Siri, Italy. PuglieseProgettazioni also provides additional paid services such as customer service and consulting, an online tutorial course, and a building database creation service. The available languages are English and Italian. For more information, please visit https://www.puglieseprogettazioni.it/emf-planner-english/.
The software is intended for users involved in the design, operation, and supervision of transmitting radio facilities.
Main Features:
- Calculation of EMF levels using the point source method according to Recommendation ITU-T K.70 (2020) "Mitigation techniques to limit human exposure to EMFs in the vicinity of radiocommunication stations";
- Calculation and visualization of EMF exposure areas in horizontal and vertical cuts;
- Calculation of EMF safety volumes;
- Calculation of electromagnetic field levels at control points;
- A convenient interface that allows for quick entry of the parameters of many radiating sources;
- A choice of many exposure limits recommended by different countries and organizations; - Reports on electromagnetic fields and total exposure in graphical and tabular form;
- Accounting for terrain and buildings in calculations;
- Use of maps from OpenStreetMap, Google, Bing, and other map services as a base map;
- Easy and visual calibration of custom base maps in any image format if necessary;
- Import of 3D plan models in vector format from the OpenStreetMap project database with building height information.
- Quick creation of terrain models from automatically loaded Digital Elevation Models (DEMs);
- A built-in editor for vector objects such as buildings, labels, contour lines, and terrain elevations;
- Generation of full reports using custom Microsoft Word templates;
- Export to DWG/DXF AutoCAD files
- Greater computing speed due to algorithm optimization and the use of streaming calculations. Calculations are distributed among threads, allowing for computing speeds 4-24 times faster (depending on the number of threads supported by the processor).
- Use of MSI Planet antenna pattern files;
- An integrated antenna management tool;
- A built-in automatic unit converter between W, mW, dBW, dBmW;
- Visualization of calculations in 3D and export to interactive 3D PDF files.

User Reviews & Testimonials
Lee Afflerbach P.E.
Engineering Director
CTC Media Group -- New Bern, NC
November 4th, 2022
We have been using your Radio/MLink Planner software for over a year with excellent results in validating and designing numerous VHF/UHF network sites throughout the US. We recently added the EMF Planner to our toolbox and found it a powerful tool for analyzing complex multi-carrier sites. All the software is easy to use; very initiative. The manuals are excellent. They provide all the pertinent step-by-step, how to do it information and the methodology associated with both FCC and ITU standards. Best of all is the prompt online support your firm provides.