1. A new type of project has been added - Air-to-Ground Communication.
Now you can perform the calculation of coverage for air-to-ground and radionavigation systems operating in the VHF, UHF and microwave frequency bands.
Area studies for air-to-ground communication systems:
- Received power Air-to-Ground link;
- Received power Ground-to-Air link;
- Strongest (most likely) Server Air-to-Ground link.
The propagation model is a hybrid model based upon the recommendation ITU-R P.528-3 (02/2012) "Propagation curves for aeronautical mobile and radionavigation services using the VHF, UHF and SHF bands" and the recommendation ITU-R P. 526-14 "Propagation by Diffraction".
2. Added FCC contours calculation for broadcast transmitters.
See the updated user manual for details.