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1. Added buttons to show / hide sites, site names and PtP/PtMP links on the base map;

2. Added batch generation of all profiles for the current base station;

3. Added sorting of subscriber stations in alphabetical order;

4. Import sites from KML file. Imported sites are added to existing ones.

We sent a link to the new installation file to all users of the MLinkPlanner.

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We updated the calculator of the Noise-Adjusted Faded Performance Threshold that is built into the RadioPlanner 2.1.

Now the calculations take into account Delivered Audio Quality (DAQ) according to the methodology described in the TIA TSB-88.1-D recommendation. The typical parameters of the receiver-demodulator of all land mobile radio systems are built into the calculator - data are taken from Table A1 “Projected VCPC Parameters for Different DAQs" TIA TSB-88.1-D.

Next, a Noise-Adjusted Faded Performance Threshold is calculated, taking into account experimental data for various land cover categories.

Added interference calculation for the VHF 162 MHz band based on experimental data from TIA TSB-88.2-D Part 2: Propagation and Noise.

To calculate the Noise-Adjusted Faded Performance Threshold the user must specify:

1. Reference receiver sensitivity in dBm or µV - it is usually given in the technical specification as receiver sensitivity with 12 dB SINAD for analog systems or with BER = 5% for digital systems.

2. Type of land mobile radio system.

3. DAQ required, usually DAQ = 3.0 or 3.4

4. Select the research on which the calculation will be based and the category of land cover.

5. Specify the carrier frequency.

The calculator is built into the RadioPlanner 2.1.

In addition, it can be downloaded and installed separately - it is free software.

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